Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Atkinson Christmas Family Party

Every year, ALL of Dusty's family get together and have an Atkinson Family Home Evening. We always have a nice little program and then we eat and eat and eat. It's really fun to see everyone, some of these people we only see once or twice a year! This year part of the program was to do a sub for santa with a twist. All the kids lined up and gave Santa a gift and then he will deliver them to those in need this Christmas. It was a nice change to have the kids give Santa something instead of always telling him what they WANT.

Just to give you an idea of how big Dusty's extended family is, here is a picture of us eating in the gym. (We have to hold this party at the church). I don't even think half of the family is in this picture...

So, this was funny. Dusty's brothers always tease him that he is the 'golden' child of the family. They say he is their parents favorite, he always wins everything, blah blah blah. Well, Dusty's aunts were holding a drawing for all the centerpieces on the tables and his brothers immediately start piping up about how Dusty is going to win and sure enough, the first name drawn is Dusty's. :) It pays to be golden...

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