Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valentine Creature Cookies!

We love cookies! And since my kids also love to create things I thought this would be a fun activity for them to do. We made tons of heart shaped sugar cookies (all different sizes) and then the kids had a great time making all sorts of animals and bugs with them. The only bad thing about this was that no one was allowed to eat the creations... boo. Good thing we had extra cookies! (Not to mention all the cookie dough we ate beforehand... that really is our favorite part!)

These are Kaden's fish that he made. I think he's trying to show me his fish face...

Breckyn made an adorable bunny rabbit and fish

Mady made the cute little ladybug and Ash went to town making all the others. She made even more after I took the picture. I LOVE that little mouse, the front teeth crack me up!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Nanny!

It was my mom's birthday over the weekend and she was out of town so the kids wanted to make her a BIG birthday sign to put on her garage to welcome her home. We just got a call from her tonight and she loved it! (of course)

Class of '93!

Wow it has been a long time! I went out to dinner with some friends from High School the other night and it was so much fun! I haven't seen these ladies for 10+ years... how ridiculous is that? It was great to see them and catch up with everyone and just hang out and talk and laugh and have a good time! It's crazy that even after all this time everyone is still pretty much the same... except for maybe a few more wrinkles which a pushy salesman pointed out to me in a very non-discreet way at the mall right before I went to dinner. That's all I needed was for some punk to tell me that my eye cream isn't working. Anyway, aging aside, I am so glad for these friends who stay friends even when you haven't talked to each other for an embarrassingly long amount of time. Luv ya ladies!

P.S. Please keep in mind that this picture was taken at about 11:00 at night so we are all looking a bit tired by then, remember the whole aging comment, we can't stay up as late as we used too!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date at Deer Valley

Whoo, that's a lot of D words. Too bad I'm not playing Scattergories. Anyway, Ashlyn got to have her dad all to herself yesterday when the two of them spent the day skiing. Lucky girl! They had a lot of fun until Ash crashed pretty hard and hit her head, giving her a massive headache. Thank goodness she was wearing a helmet! Here is a little commentary from Ash at the start of their day. They were supposed to shoot some more footage of them actually skiing but I guess they were having too much fun to think about it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

1st Ski Day!

Here are some pictures from our first ski day of the season! We went up to Park City Ski Resort on New Year's Eve with our good friends the Lewis family. We had a great time! It took some of the kids a little bit to get their 'ski' legs back but by the end of the day everyone was doing a fabulous job!

Kaden was out of control during the line. He kept goofing around and tipping over. Eventually, he just stayed on the ground and Dusty would scoot him forward on his skis.

Dusty had the little kids line up behind him and they would just follow him down the hill. It looked so cute, like little ducks following their daddy. Although, I guess I should mention that I was at the end of that line ...