We were so lucky to have a zombie prom queen grace us with her presence and help out during the party. Thanks Ash!
We painted pumpkins...
We played a few games, I only got a picture of this one. The girls had to hold an "eyeball" on a spoon and race to the end and back without dropping it. I think they liked it, they all wanted to do it more than once. Some of those kids had great balance and didn't drop their eyeballs at all!
Instead of cake, I decided it would be more fun for the girls to decorate cookies. They were so funny. They packed on all sorts of treats on the cookies but then before they ate them, they started picking stuff off. "I don't really like these..."
At the end of the party, we just put on some Halloween music and let the kids go crazy! Some of the girls why shy at dancing at first but by the end, they all got into it!
I had to put this picture in. Kaden looks like he's flying the broomstick, uh backwards. And he did have his costume on but I think after wearing it all day he got a little sick of it and peeled it off. So now he's sporting mismatched jammies.
Okay LOVE that one of Kaden! Totally makes me laugh! And the rest are cute too! Love the costumes! Looks like they had so much fun! So how about those pictures from Last years party?! lol! Holy cow! I need to get those to you, again!