Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valentine Creature Cookies!

We love cookies! And since my kids also love to create things I thought this would be a fun activity for them to do. We made tons of heart shaped sugar cookies (all different sizes) and then the kids had a great time making all sorts of animals and bugs with them. The only bad thing about this was that no one was allowed to eat the creations... boo. Good thing we had extra cookies! (Not to mention all the cookie dough we ate beforehand... that really is our favorite part!)

These are Kaden's fish that he made. I think he's trying to show me his fish face...

Breckyn made an adorable bunny rabbit and fish

Mady made the cute little ladybug and Ash went to town making all the others. She made even more after I took the picture. I LOVE that little mouse, the front teeth crack me up!


  1. honey you are soooo cute! Love these cookies and how fun for the kids to get so creative.

    I just want to eat them!!! Not on my carb free diet. haha

    Are you still running??

  2. This is fun! I should do stuff like this with Bella more often...I just get so anxious when a mess like that is involved! I'm weird I know...I actually let her go to town on a couple of cookies for her me and Ryan at Christmas time while I was decorating the ones for our neighbors and when I was done I looked over and she had eaten her cookie, my cookie, and the entire bowl of frosting! It was a LOVELY evening! So are those all just a bunch of heart shaped cookies in diff sizes?

  3. These look awesome! I want to make some to.
