Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

"It's beginning to look a lot like... Christmas?" Oh wait, it's Easter. I got a little confused there for a second because we woke up to SNOW! Crazy! Well, regardless of the weather, the Easter Bunny was still able to visit our house during the night and hide our eggs and leave plenty of treats and toys for the kids in their baskets. When the kids woke up they immediately went hunting for the goods! The Easter Bunny was pretty creative this year, hiding the eggs in silly places and some of our baskets were pretty hard to find! Kaden's was under Breckyn's tea set table in her room, Breckyn's was taking a shower, Ashlyn's was hanging up in Kaden's closet under his Jedi cloak and Mady found hers packed away in the linen closet with all the towels!

It was General Conference this weekend so we had a lot of time to hang out at home, watch Conference and eat lots and lots of sugar! After Conference was over we all got ready to go to my Grandparents. Mady and Ash took about a million pictures of their new headbands, here are two...

Every year we have an Easter dinner at my grandparents and an Easter hunt in the yard for the kids. We weren't sure that we would be able to have the hunt outside because of the snow but it had all cleared out by dinner time.

At dinner baby J. was entertaining everyone. He really liked the chocolate pudding and would give the BIGGEST, cheesiest smile after every taste. It was funny stuff.

Took a quick picture of my grandparents and other family members chit chatting at the table after dinner. They are so cute, I'm so glad we all still get together to celebrate the holidays!

The kids wanted to take a picture of their baskets with all their loot!

It was a good day today! We got to be spiritually uplifted by conference, spend time with extended family and fill our bellies with good food and LOTS of treats. Yep, definitely a good day!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a great Easter..your kids are adorable too seems like for ever sense we have seen you guys..hope all is well
