Thursday, November 5, 2009


As I've said before, I was not good at recording ANYTHING that has happened in my family's life for the past 14 years and I was feeling a little bit sad that I never wrote down any of the cute things my kids have said when they were little (and which have now been pretty much forgotten) and I was thinking that since they are getting older now, I may have completely missed my opportunity... but NO! Breckyn and Kaden each provided me with a sweet child faux pas just the other day!

We were driving home in the car and talking about what kind of dogs some of our friends own and when we got to Scout (who is a Chocolate LAB), Kaden piped up and said, "I know what Scoutie is! She's a Chocolate Factory!"

Breckyn has outgrown her old bike and is now using Mady's first moutain bike. Dusty overheard her telling her friends, very matter of factly, that she was riding a new bike and that her dad was taking her old bike to the I.D.


  1. Kaden's comment cracks me up. A lot. (by the way, commenting on here is way too much work, I'm never signed in, and never realize it until I've already typed a comment and hit submit, then it doesn't work. So imagine twice as many comments as I really make, because when it fails I give up.)

  2. AND THEN I have to type in some secret word phrase?!?! AHG!
